New Painting!

Salish Sea Study 24″x24″ 2022 ~ acrylic on canvas

Traveling across the Salish Sea from mainland British Columbia to Vancouver Island always gives me a feeling of calm. No matter the season, the scenery reminds me I am home. Perhaps it is the memories of taking this crossing uncountable times as a child to visit my family in Cowichan. Seeing the familiar shapes of the islands and mountains drifting into the distance while welcoming me back to grandma’s house.

‘Salish Sea Study’ – Di 2022

On a sunlit day, surrounded by a sea of gentle blues, the fading landscape of Vancouver Island draws your eye north. This Island (the 43rd largest in the world) stretches over 460 km from the Straight of Juan de Fuca in the south to Cape Scott at it’s northern point.

This painting is just the beginning of an epic exploration of this amazing island, and a dive into the endless layers of blues that envelope the Salish Sea.

For more information or to order prints of this painting please my shop: