I am super excited and truly honored to be selected for membership with the Artists for Conservation! The Canadian-based organization represents over 500 artists from 30 countries worldwide, all committed to supporting conservation through art.

The community aims to use the power of art to inspire a movement- one that encourages support, protection and celebration of nature. It has been a long standing goal of mine to join this amazing organization and I cannot wait for what this next chapter will bring.

Photo courtesy of the Artists for Conservation

Artists for Conservation is a Canadian based international non-profit. AFC represents approximately 500 artists from 30 countries,in the nature/wildlife art genre, who are committed to conservation. Many of the world’s most recognized names in the field are actively involved.

AFC’s Vision is to lead a global artistic movement that inspires individuals and organizations to preserve and sustain our natural heritage by uniting the talent and passion of the world’s most gifted nature artists.

Through festivals, exhibits, collaborative art projects, art-science expeditions, awards, publications, films and leading online initiatives, we engage, inspire and inform the public, and empower passionate professional artists as effective ambassadors for the environment.

Our mission is to support wildlife and habitat conservation and environmental education through art that celebrates nature.